Niagara Falls State Park Goes Frozen; Tourists Have Found A Natural Winter Wonderland

| Feb 20, 2015 03:51 PM EST

Niagara Falls

The Niagara Falls has drawn more tourist now that a portion of it was frozen as the temperature went to negative 13 degrees on Feb. 16, Monday, and although it has increased to 16 degrees by Feb. 18, Wednesday, the part that belongs to the United States's jurisdiction remained frozen.

Visitors have been checking out Niagara Falls State Park, the one next to the American Falls, for a natural attraction. The subzero series of temperatures have transformed the water into a thick snow and ice coating boulders, trees, and railings.

Its water has not transformed into a frozen solid matter, but ice sheets have been building up due to the temperature, the New York Daily News reported.

It is not possible for Niagara Falls to freeze completely because of the speed a volume of water that passes through it. However, the mist which the rushing water creates can freeze into ice sheets during winter. When combined by Lake Eerie's frozen slush, it will form an illusion of a frozen lake, the Business Insider explained.

Meanwhile, another arctic blast hit the Eastern and Central parts of the United States on Feb. 18, Wednesday night, causing below-zero temperature. In fact, the entire East Coast including Florida, have gone below freezing temperatures on Thursday evening.

In the Big Apple, temperatures have dropped to single digits with a few parts going below zero, recording its coldest throughout the season. This cold weather has also brought high winds with a few areas experiencing 40 mph.

The last time that the Niagara Falls froze completely was in 1848, but this winter's arctic temperatures and the last winter's "polar vortex" have solidified it once again.

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