‘Rambo 5’ not going to happen, Fox TV adaptation in the works; Marvel announced Sylvester Stallone’s participation in ‘Guardian of the Galaxy’ sequel

| Jul 28, 2016 02:45 AM EDT

It was recently revealed during San Diego comic con that Sylvester Stallone would be part of the upcoming sequel of "Guardian of the Galaxy."

A lot of fans are confused whether Sylvester Stallone's "Rambo 5" would be in the works or not. Reports have been going around over the past few months stating that the film would be in production anytime soon, while other sources claims that it is not going to happen.

To finally put this issue to rest, Masterherald recently reported that fans should stop waiting for the movie because it's not going to happen.

Stallone celebrated his 70th birthday a few months ago, and although the actor looked half of his age, it seems like he's physical condition could no longer handle the stress that he would face if he reprise the role of Rocky Balboa once more.

The same publication stated that the news about "Rambo 5" should've been long gone, but a lot of internet trolls kept on pushing that the movie would be in the works. News about "Rambo's" fifth instalment resurfaced when fans took Stallone's Instagram post out of context. Fans thought that the actor was hinting about "Rambo 5," but in reality, he was just showing his support for Bernie Sanders.

Meanwhile, although the movie may not see the light of day, it is said that Stallone is currently negotiating with Fox, as the television network is planning to create a TV drama based on Stallone's iconic film "Rambo"; however, it is still unclear whether the actor would be a part of the series or not.

The said TV series would be titled "Rambo: New Blood," wherein the story would revolve around Rocky Balboa after his glory days. He would be seen trying to reconnect with his son J.R.

In other news, it was recently revealed during San Diego comic con that Sylvester Stallone would be part of the upcoming sequel of "Guardian of the Galaxy."

According to Comic Book, Sean O'Connell told that Stallone's character would play a very important role in "Guardian of the Galaxy Vol. 2," though the director decided not to give any more details after that statement.

A lot of fans are speculating that Stallone would be connected with Kurt Russel's character, which is Ego the Living Planet, also known as Starlord's dad. After the mind blowing announcement that Russel would play the role of Peter Quils father, Marvel has been very careful in keeping other details about the "Guardian of the Galaxy Vol. 2."

Guess fans should just wait and see when the "Guardian of the Galaxy Vol. 2" premieres on May 5, 2017.

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