Pokemon Go: Dratini nest has become an Eevee nest; Brooklyn's Prospect Park is now a Vulpix hot spot

| Jul 30, 2016 06:03 AM EDT

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If new reports are anything to go by, Pokemon nests have changed in the game.

Several gamers have noticed that particular Pokemon tend to always spawn in particular places.

The nests mean that players can visit a particular area and consistently capture the same Pokemon. For instance, gamers constantly see Zubats, Pinsirs and Duduos in New York City.

According to latest reports, people have begun noticing that Pokemon nests had changed. There used to be tons of sightings of Electrabuzz in California's Santa Monica. At present, the creature is nowhere to be found.

In Barnsdall Art Park (Los Angeles), the Dratini nest has now become an Eevee nest, according to The Silph Road. In Arizona, Dratini nest was replaced with Eevees.

Reports indicate that not every Pokemon nest has changed throughout the world. Creatures such as Voltorb and Magnemite still appear in industrial areas. However, several of them seem to now spawn different Pokemon than before. 

Prospect Park in Brooklyn that used to be a Jigglypuff nest is now a Vulpix hot spot. Now, Scyther nests have become spawning locations for Staryu and gamers searching for Scyther will have to visit a preexisting Jynx nest to find the bug/flying Pokemon.

At present, there is no explanation as to why this change is happening. Reports suggest that Niantic is trying to give players chances of capturing all Pokemon by adding more spawning sites.

Over the last week, gamers have been struggling with an unusual bug: their map seems different than it was before, with several roads and streets having entirely vanished.

According to some users, the roads have disappeared from their Pokemon Go map. One gamer said that they reside in an area in which the roads are registered as walkways, and all of these roads has vanished from Pokemon Go.

Furthermore, the three footprint bug is still there. It is a bug that causes Pokemon on the nearby tracker to seem three footsteps away, regardless of how far away the creature is. It has been extremely difficult to catch the creature because tracking it is not possible.

Several gamers quit Pokemon Go because of this. Also, the number of daily active gamers of the game started to gradually decline after the bug emerged.

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