‘W’ Displaces ‘Doctors’ as Top Korean Drama in Korea Nielsen’s CPI

| Aug 01, 2016 11:17 AM EDT

Uncontrollably Fond Bed Scene

The question which Korean drama will be able to replicate the viewership success of "Descendants of the Sun" has turned into a three-way contest with newcomer “W” emerging as the number now.

"W" displaced “Doctors” and “Uncontrollably Fond” in the latest CJ E&M and Nielsen Korea’s Content Power Index (CPI). The new Hallyu on its first week of run got 273.3 points, followed by “Doctors” with 266.4 and “Uncontrollably Fond,” with 242.4 points for the Wednesday-Thursday dramas, reported Soompi.

For the drama starring Bae Suzy and Kim Woo-Bin, it is a 46.7-point decline in its CPI since “Uncontrollably Fond” premiered on the first week of July. The numbers would indicate the KBS show “uncontrollably” losing audience.

Would a kiss between the two lead stars reverse the decline for “Uncontrollably Fond?” Movienewsguide reported that for Episode 8 of the drama, No Eul, played by Bae Suzy, and Shin Joon-young, played by Kim Woo Bin, kissed which would be an “amazing but heartbreaking moment.”

The episode starts with Shin Joon-young buying hamburgers for the whole school of Jik, the brother of No Eul. This results in everyone in the school wanting to be a friend of Shin Joon-young. But Jik insisted on paying back the cost of the burgers since he does not want to have a debt of gratitude to Joon-young.

The episode revolves around food since Joo-young and Ji Tae are seen on the front door of No Eul’s house, bearing food. The food came from Ji Tae, but he has to leave right away after receiving a phone call that his mother collapsed. It provided Joo-young an opportunity to bring No Eul to his mother where Eul discovered more of Joon-young’s childhood experience.

Despite No Eul’s effort to get JI Tae to eat noodles with her, he rejected the offer. The next episode of “Uncontrollably Fond” would see more of Bae Suzy and Kim Woo Bin.

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