'Stranger Things' Season 2 predictions: Will to become show's antagonist? Eleven stuck in Upside Down?

| Aug 05, 2016 04:09 AM EDT

'Stranger Things' is an eight-episode thriller airing at Netflix.

Arguably one of the most popular TV shows in 2016, "Stranger Things," is leaning towards getting a second season. Some of the biggest questions left unanswered are Will being the new host for The Monster and Eleven's whereabouts.

The Duffer twins spoke with Collider and it seems like Netflix is more than willing to renew the project. The brothers did not expect the popularity the show amassed that a Season 2 became a must but they also hinted that they still have more ideas up their sleeves. Asked if Season 2 is as good as confirmed, Ross Duffer said that they are still in talks with the company.

"We don't know, we're very weary of making it go on past the point it should," he said. "You want to end on a high note. We've had initial discussions, but we haven't quite landed on it."

To sweeten things up, fans can expect the whole cast to return should "Stranger Things" Season 2 come to fruition. That means El and Mike can pick up from where they left off while the love triangle between Jonathan, Nancy and Steve goes on.

"Yeah, we would introduce some new characters, but follow this group," Matt Duffer said. "We fell in love with the kids and all of our actors, so we want to stay with them. And now we know what they're capable of."

Fans over at The Verge came up with their own speculations for "Stanger Things" season 2. Some believe Will is now a carrier of monsters from the Upside Down as he was seen spitting a slug in episode 8 that was also seen crawling out of Barbara's mouth.

Meanwhile, some believe El is sent somewhere in the Upside Down after using her powers to eliminate The Monster. Chief Hopper was seen bringing food somewhere in the forest and what gave it away was he also left the little girl's favorite food inside the box. Some believe that in season 2, their father-daughter relationship will blossom as El resembles his daughter who died of cancer.

Also, some are questioning the legitimacy of Brenner's death as it was seen in a bulletin board that he was denying allegations that there are something fishy going on in Hawkins' lab. He was seen being jumped on by The Monster, which means that he was killed by the creature. Here are more questions left unanswered in the season finale.

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