AMD Radeon RX 460 ready for release; ASUS ROG Strix variant performance figures leaked

| Aug 08, 2016 12:40 AM EDT

ASUS ROG Strix RX 480, not the RX 460, glows blue

AMD has recently released the RX 470 and is now gearing up for the global launch of the Radeon RX 460 which is touted as the ultimate budget video card for PC gamers.

While the Radeon RX 470 is marketed for 1080p gamers that want decent frame rates with a small price tag, the RX 460 is designed for those who just want to play their eSports games without stutters and lags. Games such as Dota 2, League of Legends, Counter Strike: Global Offensive and the new Overwatch do not really require that much graphics power from the GPU which makes the new Polaris card ideal for eSports gamers.

There is even a new leak regarding the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 460 that is now circulating across the Internet. ASUS is planning to release an ROG Strix variant for the AMD Radeon RX 460 which is expected to have a 3DMark FireStrike Extreme benchmark score of 2561, TCC has learned.

ASUS ROG Strix RX 460 is also shown to beat the reference cards from AMD by a significant percentage as it also provides more frames in several games. The card will also be cooler thanks to the DirectCU II cooling solution from ASUS that is present in all of their Strix variants.

The ASUS ROG Strix RX 460 was shown to reach nearly 40 frames per second on Hitman at Ultra settings in 1440p compared to the reference 460's 28.5 fps, Videocardz reported. It was also able to churn out more frames on Doom 1440p at Ultra settings with the Strix at 30.4 fps compared to the reference at a measly 22 fps.

In addition, the leaked slides also show that the ASUS ROG Strix RX 460 is certainly cooler than the AMD reference cards by around 20 degrees-Celsius. While the reference AMD RX 460 reached 85C, the ASUS ROG Strix only reached up to 64C making the latter 30 percent cooler.

AMD is expected to put on a $99 price tag for the reference RX 460 cards. The ASUS ROG Strix RX 460 could cost considerably more based on the performance figures alone.

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