‘Rocket League’ gets battle royale style Rumble mode in September: Psyonix

| Aug 08, 2016 07:11 AM EDT

Psyonix reveals "Rocket League's" newest free battle royale mode called Rumble mode.

Psyonix has recently announced that "Rocket League" will be getting a battle royale mode called Rumble mode in September. The game company has also released a Party Matchmaking update recently to address certain issues.

The game developer announced on the video game's official website that there will be a new Rumble mode for all platforms next month. This new mode will be available for free, and it will be like an epic battle royale, where players can take advantage of randomized power-ups.

There are about 11 power-ups in the new mode of "Rocket League." One of the power-ups is called Distruptor, which forces the opponent to drive uncontrollably. Another one is the Freezer, which freezes the ball in-place.

The Boot is a power-up that kicks opponents' cars to disrupt them in their gameplay. The Grappling Hook power-up lets players pull their cars toward the ball to get the advantage. The Haymaker punches the ball away to either throw it away from enemies or direct it to the goal.

The Magnetizer power-up lets the players attract the ball to their cars to carry around and get it through the goal. The power-up Plunger lets players throw a plunger and a cord to grab the ball. Getting the Power Hitter power-up lets players' cars hit everything harder.

The Spike allows cars to attach the ball to them when they bump into it. The crazy Tornado power-up sweeps up the ball and the opponents into a cloud that looks like a small tornado. The last power-up, the Swapper, allows players to change positions on the field with their opponents.

On another page of the official website of the vehicle soccer game, Psyonix recently released the Party Matchmaking update to address different issues in "Rocket League." The new update improved the party skill rating.

This new update allows players to search for Competitive games in a Party with anyone in their friends' list. Whether they are on par with their current skill tier or not, they can still choose these players.

The Party Skill is now based on the highest-skilled player in the group. The game will not average each player's skill together in a Party anymore. Also the new Party Skill rating will be used to stop players from ranking up faster by teaming up with lower-ranked teammates.

Check out "Rocket League's" Ruble mode trailer video below:

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