'One Piece' chapter 836 spoilers and predictions: Big Mom and Luffy to form truce for Lola?

| Aug 10, 2016 10:09 AM EDT

Charlotte Linlin is one of the four Yonkous in the hit anime manga, "One Piece."

With Big Mom's devil fruit abilities unveiled, it is time to know more about her family background. Now that it has been confirmed that Lola is her daughter, her resentment towards Luffy may be gone after the Straw Hats saved Lola's life in Thriller Bark.

In the previous chapter, Lola's father was introduced and as he spilled the beans on Big Mom, Charlotte Cracker arrived and pulled him out of the ground. Hence, fans over at Oro Jackson shared their predictions on what could possibly transpire in "One Piece" chapter 836. User Le-Sanna believes Luffy and Nami will easily dispose of Cracker and get Lola's dad much-desired apple juice.

He reveals more info about Lola and Big Mom. Apparently, Lola is the Yonkou's favorite daughter which infuriates Brulee. The eater of the Mirror-Mirror fruit confronts them once again but she was knocked unconscious by Lola's father, freeing Carrot in the process. The giant agrees to help the Straw Hats and leads them out of the forest. The trees cleared the way as they seem to be scared of him, which Luffy recognizes as well.

As they near the exit, the giant reveals he has the vivre card of Big Mom, which appears to be burning. This makes Luffy sad and asks if she is dying. The giant says she is that is why she needs to suck the life out of others and also, she is more than 800 years old. Meanwhile, Ms. Bakkin and Weevil arrive at Whole Cake Island as Ms. Bakkin is actually one of Big Mom's elder daughters.

Scene shifts to the island of Marijois as the Reverie will begin in two days as the Celestial Dragons have ordered. Akainu is infuriated with the absence of the Vinsmokes and he orders Green Bull to go find their floating kingdom. However, the Celestial Dragons have another thing in mind as they want to eliminate the troublesome family and its Germa 66 army once and for all.

As a quick refresher on what transpired last chapter, fans can read it over at Manga Mint. Also, here is a video review of "One Piece" chapter 835.

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