Modern Trends in Chinese Masculinity Similar to Ancient Times

| Aug 16, 2016 10:07 PM EDT

Chinese Olympian Ning Zetao is one of the country's "national husbands."

Many observe that Chinese women and their "national husbands" are two traits: one that is strong and sturdy, while the other is soft, good-looking and gentle. One modern day example would be Olympian Ning Zetao.

But before the Qin Dynasty, women were attracted to gentle and soft looking men and recorded in the "Zuo Zhuan," the earliest annals in China.

But for 300 years, specifically during the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern dynasties, women preferred pretty and frail-looking men. Wei Jie, one of China's most historical figures was described as such.

He died at age 27 and was believed to have passed away from "being looked at too much."

Wei Jie was so famous that he was even mentioned in the chronological history book "Zi Zhi Tong Jian," compiled by Sima Guang in the Song Dynasty.

During the Tang Dynasty, women shifted to muscular, horse-riding men who were into archery and ready for battle. Women were particularly attracted to men who were good at martial arts are swordsmanship.

However, women returned to well-mannered, polite and gentle-looking men again during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Chinese classic literature such as "The Dream of Red Chamber" described the hero, Jie Baoyu, as "having a beautiful fairy face, with the glory of the moon and color of spring flowers on his cheek."

His brows also have the "shape of fine willow leaves."

Through the ages, scientists have been trying to discover what drove women to men. It was in 1969 when Glen Elder, a sociologist from Northern Carolina, released his research findings that indicated namely, good-looking women tended to settle down with less attractive but wealthier men."

Across many generations, women may vary from strong athletic built to soft and polite men. However, the motivation is really an attraction to resources.

Evolutionary psychologists speculate it's because women want a mate who can provide for them.

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