'The Flash' Season 3 spoilers: 'Gorilla City' will be a two-part episode; Savitar to be the main villain, Captan Cold returns to the show!

| Aug 19, 2016 05:30 AM EDT

The Flash is a CW Network series developed by writer/producers Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns.

New details and possible spoilers for "The Flash" season 3 will feature the return of Captain Cold, Zavitar to be main speedster villain and a two-part "Gorilla City" episode.

It seems that Barry Allen/The Flash (Grant Gustin) will encounter evil speedster as Savitar will make his presence known to him in "The Flash" season 3. The showrunners have confirmed several,new DC villains that the Scarlet Speedster will encounter during the show such as Top, Mirror Master and Dr. Alchemy.

There already several pictures and a trailer featuring a new black speedster who is being played by "Vampire Diaries" actor Todd Lasance and it is being hinted that person could be the show's version of Savitar. executive producer Todd Helbing told IGN that Savitar will operate differently than Reverse-Flash (Matt Letscher) and Zoom (Teddy Sears) as Savitar is more of a psychological villain in a weird way

Savitar is named after the Hindu God of Speed and everything about him is different in a way that Barry Allen cannot comprehend. In the comics, Savitar was a was a cold war pilot for a third world country who was on a mission to test a supersonic jet plane. As he reached top speed, lightening struck his plane, which ended in a terrible crash into enemy territory. He soon discovered he could use his newly gained power of speed to defeat his enemies, while at the same time slowly becoming obsessed with the power.

In other news, co-producer Andrew Kreisberg confirmed that possibility of a two-part "Gorilla City" episode on "The Flash" season 3 during the TCA panel. Gorilla City was once featured in "The Flash" season 2 after Barry defeated Gorilla Grodd and was sent to the breach into the city on Earth 2.

There is a chance that Gorilla Grodd and the inhabitants of the city will invade Earth 2 and Barry and the rest of Team Flash might travel to Earth 2 in order to save this friends Earth 2 Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) and Jesse Chambers Wells (Violett Beane)

Lastly, Leonard Snart/Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) will return to season 3 as Miller is under contract to appear in any DC TV series in the CW Network.

Showrunners Todd and Aaron Helbing told E! News that Captain Cold will return to episode 4 of "The Flash" season 3 and will have a history with Mirror Master (Grey Damon).

Mirror Master in the show, will be on of the greatest thieves in Central City has ever known, and after a three year hiatus, he will be back for revenge. This could indicate at some point that Mirror Master used to be partners with Snart along with Mick Rory (Dominic Purcell) and could form the TV version of the Rogues soon.

Captain Cold will also return to "Legends of Tomorrow" season 2 as a member of he Legion of Doom along with Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman), Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) and Reverse-Flash.

"The Flash" season 3 will premiere on Oct. 4 at 8pm on the CW Network.

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