'Pokemon' live-action film confirmed? Top 10 strongest Pokemon in 'Pokemon Go' named

| Aug 21, 2016 10:25 PM EDT

Detective Pikachu is set to become the protagonist in the upcoming Pokemon live-action film.

The "Pokemon" franchise is making a lot of noise as a live-action film is set to be released in the near future. Meanwhile, the top 10 strongest Pokemons in the hit game "Pokemon GO" was revealed.

The film is set to be produced by Legendary Entertainment and is currently in negotiations with screenwriters Alex Hirch of "Gravity Falls" and "Guardian of the Galaxy's" Nicole Perman. The film is set to begin production in 2017, Anime News Network reported. Unfortunately, the film will not feature the main character Ash Ketchum in the animated series.

The film's protagonist will be Detective Pikachu, who made its debut in the 3DS game, "Meitantei Pikachu" which was released in February. Legendary Pictures just got the rights to the live-action film last month. Warner Bros. and Sony were also in the running for the film's rights. Currently, there are 19 animated films that are related to the franchise with "Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel" being the most recent film that hit the box-office.

Meanwhile, IGN made a list of 10 Pokemons with the highest potential in "Pokemon Go." First on the list is Dragonite, which has the potential to rack up as much as 3500 CP (Combat Points). Moreover, it both has high attack and HP capacity, which is a must in defending gyms. Next is Snorlax, which can reach up to 3,112 CP. He is considered as the ultimate tank due to his extremely high health and defense. Third is Arcanine, which can reach up to 2,983 CP and its attacks are extremely fast and damaging.

 Lapras is next on the list and it is next to Snorlax for being the sturdiest Pokemon to defend a gym with. It can reach up to 2,983 CP. Next is Exeggutor, which has a max CP of 2,995. Vaporeon is next with its max CP at 2,816. Rounding up the top 10 are Gyarados, which has a max CP of 2,688, Flareon with 2,643 and tied for the ninth spot are Charizard and Muk, which can reach up to 2,602 CP. Here is IGN's video review of the ten said Pokemons.

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