'Game of Thrones' star Natalie Dormer attends United Nations World Humanitarian Day for refugees in New York City

| Aug 22, 2016 12:34 PM EDT

Actress Natalie Dormer speaks onstage at the 'Game of Thrones' panel during Comic-Con International 2015 at the San Diego Convention Center on July 10, 2015 in San Diego, California.

"Game of Thrones" star Natalie Dormer who played the cool and stunning Margaery Tyrell, one of the casualties in Season 6 finale, recently joined the celebrities who helped refugees. Many stars have gathered at the headquarters of the United Nations to honor the World Humanitarian Day on Aug. 19, Friday.

Celebrities spoke and performed during the event in New York City to highlight the refugees' flight on World Humanitarian Day. Next month, a U.N. summit will likewise address the global crisis about refugees.

With Dormer were Alisan Porter ("The Voice" champ) and Leslie Odom Jr. (former "Hamilton" star) who were on stage during the event. The date fell on the anniversary of the bombing of the U.N. headquarters in 2003 which left 22 dead. The stars spoke heartfelt messages in between clips of "Children of Syria" 2016 PBS Frontline documentary that is about the Kamil family's life in Aleppo and migration to Germany.

Dormer called the global community to protect the rights of girls and women from sexual violence. She asked to engage men and boys in the conversation, while echoing the words of British actress Emma Watson, the U.N. Women Goodwill Ambassador who initiated the campaign of feminist HeForShe in 2014. Dormer mentioned rape as becoming a "weapon of war," with fighting parties targeting women.

Others also called for everyone to be reminded of humanity. Keynote speaker and writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie focused on the motto, "One Humanity."

"I just hope that people will be reminded of our common humanity," Adichie told The Huffington Post before the start of the event. "I've generally been troubled by the ways in which refugees and immigrants are talked about as though they are not fully human."

After the performances, Hala Kamil whose husband was taken in Aleppo by soldiers and had not been heard of ever since, spoke about the violence in her home country. Three months earlier, the World Humanitarian Summit was held in Istanbul, Turkey, which was attended by 55 heads of state along with reps from 173 member nations. An upcoming event in New York regarding refugees and migrants will take place on Sept. 19.

Meanwhile, the "Game of Thrones" actress Dormer jumped from working in front of the camera to behind-the-scenes by co-writing the "In Darkness" screenplay with fiancé Anthony Byrne. Though feeling fulfilled, she found the work not easy, PEOPLE reported.

Dormer is interviewed in the clip and talked about "Game of Thrones."

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