‘Hunter X Hunter’ chapter 361 news & update: Series might take a long hiatus as writer Togashi recovers; New writers can't replicate Togashi's ideas

| Aug 26, 2016 01:55 PM EDT

Hunter X Hunter is a manga series created by Yoshihiro Togashi.

It will likely be a long anticipation before "Hunter X Hunter" chapter 361 goes into action after reports indicate that fans had to wait nearly two years, particularly March or April of 2017, since the popular series is on a hiatus due to the declining health of writer and series creator Yoshihiro Togashi.

Based on recent updates, it is reported that Togashi's condition is too severe that the doctors prescribed a complete bed rest for him after enduring pain from his lower back medical problems for a while now.

Aside from the present hiatus, "Hunter X Hunter" was also put on hold in 2013 in order to prioritize Togashi's health, which took two long years before the next chapter was released.

Rocket News 24 talked with Shueisha, the manga series' publisher, to ask for any further details with the status of the recent chapter. "The last time the series was put on hold, it was because of Togashi-sensei's lower back pain, and once again, his condition has gotten worse, necessitating a break again. At this time, it is not certain when we will be able to resume the series," Shueisha said in a statement.

There was even a move of hiring new writers so the new team could beat the deadline for "Hunter X Hunter" Chapter 361's release. Togashi was supposed to act as the consultant, but things did not turn out well.

According to Movie News Guide, Togashi extended his frustration and was not happy with how the output turned out. It is because of the idea that the team could possibly not equate with Togashi's genius ideas. Because of this, they have decided to hold off until he is well enough to continue his work and in order for producers not "to damage the entertainment value of the franchise."

According to reports, "Hunter X Hunter" Chapter 361 is expected to continue Kurapika's investigation on what is truly happening inside the Black Whale. There have been a lot of killings and she suspects that the Nen beasts are the culprits. During the last chapter, one of the guards meant to keep the Woble family safe started to act weirdly. Kurapika's suspicion was spot on when it was revealed that a Nen beast has been controlling him. After killing two of the other guards, the creature then set his eyes on Kurapika.

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