‘The Sims 5’ latest rumors: Focus shifts to ‘The Sims 4’ DLC moving forward

| Sep 03, 2016 08:34 AM EDT

"The Sims 4" may be getting a new expansion pack soon with no "The Sims 5" looming over the horizon.

“The Sims 4” players may have to console themselves with new expansion packs with game developers holding off on “The Sims 5” for now.

With “The Sims 4” reportedly returning poor sales performance, Maxis and The Sims Studios have had no plans of making “The Sims 5” for now. Much of the poor reviews can be seen from sites and such is singled out as one of the reasons why a fifth installment is nowhere near development, Cinema Blend reported.

Instead, the focus now seems to be directed at producing DLCs to hopefully appease the disappointed life-simulator gaming fans. The last expansion pack came out in July titled “The Sims 4: Backyard Stuff” and the belief is that a new expansion pack may be due by the Fall.

The anticipated new DLC for “The Sims 4” is believed to be a city-themed pack called “Vida Na Cidade” teased through a Brazilian video game website according to the Sims Community forums. When translated, the title reads “City Life”.

All these are mere speculation for now with game developers opting to keep the state of “The Sims 4” or “The Sims 5” under wraps. There is no official word on what sales target the company has in mind though it was tweeted that “The Sims 4” has already breached the 5 million sales mark.

Hence, “The Sims 4” may not be doing all that bad though it still depends on the actual set forecasts by Maxis. Whatever those numbers are, it could hold dire consequences moving forward for “The Sims 5”.

Another thing worth noting is that game console versions never really came out for “The Sims 4”. Aside from likely game developing-related issues, the sales figures are once again seen as a possible reason for Maxis holding off that practice.

The last time that a game console of “The Sims” came out was for “The Sims 3”, something that came out 16 months after its official debut on the PC. “The Sims 2” came out 13 months after its PC release.

The video below gives some neat ideas on possible expansion packs for “The Sims 4”.

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