Target To Lower Minimum Threshold For Free Shipping To $25

| Feb 25, 2015 12:17 PM EST


This year, Target employees will surely be busier.  Its due to the February 23 announcement they had on lowering their free shipping threshold to $25.  Walmart, Amazon and their other competitors should come up with a new strategy to draw in customers - fast!

A reliable source from Market Watch revealed that the purchase threshold was cut in half.  From $50, it is now just $25.  Robin Sherk, a well-known Kantar Retail analyst stated that this bold step by Target reveals how serious they are to up their online presence and to draw more customers from their online purchases.

Also, Sherk's analysis point towards how online shopping has been increasing these past few years. The convenience brought by making purchases faster has been acknowledged by Target and they just simply took a bold move to improve their online marketing strategy. This will surely bring Target closer to the new generation of shoppers. 

On another report by the Clark Howard website, Target is going to expand by having two more centers in Memphis and York.  The president of Target.com, Jason Goldberger, acknowledged this report by saying that this is in response to the larger volume of online buyers that their company now have.  Goldberger also said that they will be having more incentives to please their online buyers.

"The enthusiastic response to Target's free shipping offer is what led our company to have this lower free shipping threshold" was Goldberger's enthusiastic response to various interviews. 

Godlberger also stated that Target is planning to improve their mobile website because 60 percent of their traffic is from the mobile users.

In the days to come, expect a better and more convenient way to shop on Target.com on your mobile phones.  

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