WARNING: These Silent Symptoms Could Mean Diabetes; Are You Safe?

| Feb 26, 2015 01:05 AM EST

silent warning signs of diabetes

Though it is quite simple to figure out if you have a full-blown diabetes, someone who is on the threshold of acquiring diabetes will find it very tricky to find out if they indeed have the disease.  According to a report in Men's Health, there are about 86 million American adults from ages 20 and above have pre-diabetes. 

Pre-diabetes is a condition of having higher than the normal glucose levels, but not quite into having diabetes. You are playing in the boundary of being a diabetic.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention further states that only a fraction of these adults (7 percent) are aware of their dangerous condition. 

Knowing the silent symptoms that lead to diabetes can have a great impact of how your health will turn out to be.  Below is a useful list compiled by Health.  These are just some of the silent indicators that you might be on your way to diabetes.

Check out your bathroom at night.

This is because you will be visiting your bathroom more often.  If your blood sugar levels have already gone up, then you will urinate more frequently.  You might be peeing around 3 to 4 times a night.  Aside from being a symptom for diabetes, this could also mean that you have some prostate problems.

Your skin will not look clean.

If your skin has some darker patches, especially on the back of your neck, then this might mean that you have acanthosis nigricans.  This condition usually happens when someone has pre-diabetes.  These darker patches can also be on the knees and elbows.  Have your glucose checked and regulated, then these dark patches will go away.

You will find it more difficult to read.

If your vision is somewhat clouded or blurred, then it might be because your retina is affected by a medical condition called diabetic retinopathy.  Before, only those with Diabetes Type 2 can develop this condition, now anybody who has pre-diabetes can develop this condition.  Aside from having your eyes checked, please have your glucose checked too.  

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