NBA Trade Rumors: Chicago Bulls, Sacramento Kings Talk on DeMarcus Cousins, Rudy Gay Due for an Update

| Sep 05, 2016 11:41 PM EDT

Rudy Gay and Taj Gibson

It's only a matter of time before the NBA trade rumors between the Sacramento Kings and Chicago Bulls finally come to fruition.

That is, if the circulating rumors are to be believed. The two teams will be under intense scrutiny as they face the forthcoming season.

The Sacramento Kings will parade a new coach in Dave Joerger. The team is hopeful with the change since Joerger coached Marc Gasol so well in Memphis. They hope that Joerger could maximize Cousins' talent and convince him to stay.

After spending six seasons in Sacramento without ever reaching the playoffs, Boogie can't help but be frustrated, as SB Nation quoted his statements.

"That's something that I've tried to pick up, but that's just not me, that's just not my personality," Cousins said. "I love my job, I love what I do, and I take it very seriously. It's kinda hard for me not to stress over something that I love."

Cousins wants to win. He made real efforts to join Team USA because he relishes the feeling of victory. But will he ever taste that with the Kings? The onus is on the team. They can continue to change coaches or systems but ultimately the only way to convince him is to win.

The Chicago Bulls also made drastic changes which was a surprise since the Bulls have been notorious for NOT making trades even if they made so much sense. The Rudy Gay trade has been tossed around for more than a year with the blueprint involving Taj Gibson.

Gibson has been a trade rumor staple for two seasons and interest in him has waned. Both Gay and Gibson's trade values have plummeted and the swap still makes sense for both sides.

The Bulls are now receptive to trades as shown with the Derrick Rose blockbuster. Thus, it is assumed that there are talks between the Bulls and Kings. Sites like Sports Illustrated fan blog Hoops Habit have reported variations of it and one of the reasons cited is Rajon Rondo..also a former Sacramento King.

These two teams seem fated for a blockbuster this season and more updates on their situation are likely to follow.

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