DressGate: Is The Dress Black And Blue Or White And Gold?

| Feb 28, 2015 07:09 AM EST


A dress from a Birmingham shop has recently stirred the internet due to an optical illusion that has sparked some serious debate about its color.

Millions of social network users from Twitter and Facebook argued in order to explain to explain the real color of the Roman Original dress. Some users say the dress was blue with black lace while other says the dress was white with gold lace, according to CBS News.

Some famous personalities have already jumped in into the bandwagon. Singer-songwriter Taylor Swift posted a tweet saying, "I don't understand this odd dress debate and I feel like it's a trick somehow. I'm confused and scared." Showbiz couple Kim Kardashian and Kanye West was also troubled about the optical illusion.

Cecilia Bleasdale was the one who took the photo and sent it to her daughter in order to let her know what she will be wearing on her wedding. However, the social network community got ahold of the photo and that is when it became viral, according to Telegraph.

Scientists explained that the illusion occurs due to the reason that the reason of how the human brain perceives color. According to the scientific explanation, color can only be perceived one light hits the retina in the back of the human eye.

Some people's brain interpret the color blue as shadow on a white dress which is in bright sunlight. While others perceives the shadow and can see blue and black, which is the dress' real color.

University of Leeds professor Stephen Westland said, "One in 12 men is color blind. But what people don't know is that even if the rest of us are not color blind we don't always see color in the same way."

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