‘Class’ air date, news & update: Peter Capaldi joins premiere of ‘Doctor Who’ spin-off

| Sep 29, 2016 01:41 PM EDT

BBC sci-fi drama series "Doctor Who" season 9 stars Jenna Coleman, Peter Capaldi and Michelle Gomez as Clara Oswald, the Doctor and Missy, respectively.

With BBC3's "Doctor Who" spin-off "Class" just around the corner, exciting news about the sci-fi series has been revealed. Peter Capaldi, incumbent Doctor, will make a special appearance in the premiere episode of "Class."

"Class" centers on a group of teens attending Clara Oswald's Coal Hill School. The story shows the troubles teenagers face on the daily: parents, school, and friends, to name a few. Of course, they also have to face the challenges and horrors that come with time travel.

Coal Hill is an iconic figure in "Doctor Who" lore. It's been part of the long-running series ever since the first episode aired.

"The Doctor's granddaughter went there. So we thought, 'All that time activity at the school, has that caused any problems?' Well, what do you know, it has!" creator Patrick Ness said about the school's legacy, as reported by Empire.

Ness described "Class" as a "funny and moving and exciting and scary and sexy." The series hopes to present "what teenagers feel like their lives are." Basically, this shows the entire Whoniverse in the perspective of teenagers, mixed with real-life struggles that are relatable for the teenage demographic.

The main cast members include Greg Austin as Charlie, Sophie Hopkins as April, Fady Elsayed as Ram, Vivian Oparah as Tanya and Katherine Kelly as Miss Quill.

Miss Quill, the smart yet harsh physics teacher who's described as a "powerful new presence" and the kind of teacher "you never, ever want to have."

Of course, what would a "Doctor Who" spin-off be with the Time Lord himself? Capaldi drops by "Class" on the show's first episode, which is titled "For Tonight We Might Die."

"The Doctor Who family is growing, and it's fantastic to be able to welcome the young new cast of Class into the Whoniverse," Capaldi said about his participation in the spin-off series, according to The Independent.

"Class" is the third "Doctor Who" spin-off, following "Torchwood" and "The Sarah Jane Adventures."

"Class" premieres on BBC3 on Oct. 22. Meanwhile, Capaldi will return to "Doctor Who" in April 2017, and this will be his third run as the Doctor.

See top 10 Doctors in "Doctor Who" below:

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