'Dragon Ball Super' English version confirmed release date; Fall season target date?

| Oct 06, 2016 08:04 AM EDT

A potential super saiyan white form as projected by fans.

"Dragon Ball Super" episodes have been more exciting with the introduction of "Future Trunk's Arc." However, such intriguing turn out of events has not fully sufficed the clamor for "Dragon Ball Super" English version. Thus, queries for its release continues to proliferate online.

Queries and demands for the English version of "DBS" have been highly publicized after the hit success of the earlier episodes and storyline of Goku's new adventure. However, the people behind "DBS" still has no exact information about the potential release date of an English version of the said anime. 

It cannot be denied that "Dragon Ball" series is one of the most successful Japanese anime franchise to date. It captivated the world with its profound characterization and plot twists, especially with the release "Dragon Ball Z." Thus, spawning English version of the franchise to suffice or bridge the language barrier between the East and Western culture.

However, it seems like it would still take similar success and popularity of the "DBZ" before an English version of "DBS" could be released. Unlike the previous "DBZ" franchise that has been a popular hit outside Japan during its peak, "DBS" is still trying to build its presence and fan base. With over 50 episode of the series and still ongoing in Japan, its localization might be delayed in contrast to fans anticipation. But rest assured that Toonami Asia is aware of the demands and are doing their best to chase up the release period, according to Forbes

On a separate notice and as means of speculation, it has been rumored that "Dragon Ball Super" English version will likely arrive come fall next year. Such speculation was hinged towards the arrival of the action figures in the US next year, according to CrunchyRoll.

The logic behind the claim of potential release date of DBS English franchise has been linked to the necessary hype needed for the sales of the said toys. It would be useless to push toy sales if there would not be any English version of the anime to accompany and evoke the conscious of English dubbed anime viewers.

But still there are no conclusive evidence to prove the claim or speculations being brought online. In order to avoid any frustration, it would be good to realize that the anime series is still on progress and has not even reached 100 episodes. Thus, necessarily needing more time and episode to serve as buffer, so that English version will not catch up with the Japanese original.

Watch here below DBS toy review:

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