UFO sightings 2016: shocking image shows UFO spaceship taking off from underground base

| Oct 11, 2016 11:32 AM EDT

William Protor polishes a model flying saucer on property near Jamul, CA, October 15, 2000, purchased by the Unarius Academy of Science to serve as a future landing site for 'space brothers' from other planets.

A UFO was recently caught on camera taking off from an underground base in Glacier, Washington, by a hiker. It resembled a spaceship.

The UFO image sent UFO enthusiasts into a frenzy as they claimed that the craft was an alien spaceship which came from a secret alien base. They believe that the image is enough proof that aliens are hiding in mountains across the United States, The Express reported.

Conspiracy theorist and UFO blogger, Scott Warring said that the location from which the UFO took off in Glacier, Washington, showed the possibility that extraterrestrial species in flying saucers visit the earth and leave without being spotted. Warring added that the UFO appeared to be in two sections that unite when it moves.

The hiker who took the image explained that he was out hiking with his uncle when he took photos of the view over Glacier. He, however, noticed the UFO on one of the photos as if it had appeared from nowhere.

UFO enthusiasts had previously reported that a secret alien base existed at the peak of the Himalayas Mountain. They asserted that a large part of the Kang Tang Mountain in Nepal is blacked out by a mapping software.

The concealed part aroused speculation and suspicion of a cover-up. UFO conspiracy theorists believe that the part was deliberately blacked out on Google Earth to cover up a top secret US government military base.

Meanwhile, an alien was allegedly spotted trailing a limb then taking off in a mysterious object in a farm in Guthrie, Oklahoma. The alien was captured on camera by a motion-triggered camera in a resident's garden.

According to Daily Star, the pictures show a boxy figure that appeared to be trailing something which was later presumed to be a limb. The image was caught in one of the shots and disappeared in others.

Another image, which was shot about seven hours later showed a flying object taking off in the sky. The owner of the garden reported that he had never seen anything like that in his garden before. The mysterious UFO was, however, not seen in other images shot within the same minute.

UFO enthusiasts believe that the boxy image was an alien in a box-shaped spacesuit designed for aliens that are unable to survive the earth's climate. The images have since been forwarded to UFO sightings MUFON agency.

Here is a video showing more:

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