‘One Piece’ chapter 843 theories and predictions: Law to forfeit life to cancel Kaido's immortality?

| Oct 12, 2016 06:45 PM EDT


"One Piece" manga will be on hiatus this week but theories on what direction the series will take keep on piling up. Perhaps, one of the more popular discussions is how Luffy and team will defeat Kaido, who seems to be immortal.

Currently, Law and Zoro are leading the battle against Kaido, while Luffy is at Big Mom's territory trying to rescue Sanji. With how

YouTube channel Alpha2Late17 came up with an interesting theory on why Kaido could not be killed and how Luffy's team will be able to counter this disadvantage. First, the theorist elaborated on how the Yonko attained his immortality. In the series, there are two great trees introduced so far, the Great Tree of Knowledge in Ohara, the Adam Tree and the author believes there is a tree of life that is located in Marijois.

This tree is the reason behind the Gorosei's long life span, and here is where Kaido comes in. The theorist came up with two possible scenarios on how Kaido also attained immortality. First, he suggested that Kaido is based from the Greek Mythology beast Ladon, who have 100 heads. Hence, this is where Kaido got his nickname, "100 Beast."

The other scenario is Kaido formerly being a slave that was possibly liberated by Fisher Tiger or someone else. Then, he accidentally ran towards the tree of life and due to hunger, he grabbed a bite. It is worth noting that Doflamingo mentioned a great treasure located at Marijois and this became his greatest leverage, as the Gorosei definitely would not like anyone else finding out about this tree.

Fans over at Oro Jackson also discussed how the inevitable battle between Luffy and Kaido will go down. They believe that it will be Law who will be the game-changer of this fight. Some may not agree with this scenario but the captain of the Heart Pirates would have to give up his life to cancel Kaido's immortality, giving Luffy the opening to finish off the undying Yonko.

For fans who have yet to read the latest chapter, it is available in Manga Mint. Lastly, here is the theory video by Alpha2Late17.

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