Uber Rejects 8 Licensed Drivers In Canada; Company Says Applicants Failed Background Check

| Mar 02, 2015 10:11 PM EST


Mobile-app based transport network Uber recently rejected the application of eight licensed taxi drivers in Edmonton, Canada. The company added that the applicants did not pass the required background check.

The reason for the rejection was presented in a court filing passed on Tuesday. Additionally, this was the first time the company publicly stated its requirements needed in order to join its pool of drivers. The court documents were the company's response for an injunction levied upon them by the City of Edmonton on Feb. 5, according to Global News.

Among the requirements imposed by Uber is that the applicant must be at least 21 years of age and has at least one year of driving experience. In the addition to this, the prospected driver must have a clean criminal record and must also be clear of charges for serious offences like sexual assault even if the charges were dropped. Uber tapped the services of First Advantage and ISB Canada to do the background checks, according to Edmonton Journal.

Driver applicants for Uber were also rejected if they have driving related infractions like speeding in a school zone or speeding more than 30kph over the limit. On top of this, the driver will also be rejected if they have recorded two minor infractions in the last three year.

Director of public policy for Uber Canada Christopher Schaefer stated in an affidavit passed on Friday, "There are at least eight individuals who sought to gain access to the driver app who were current licensed Edmonton taxi cab drivers and who failed to meet the requirements of the background checks. These individuals were denied access to the driver app."

The UberX service has been operating in Edmonton since Dec. 18, 2014.

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