'Doctor Strange' spoilers: Film director explains the full power of the Eye of Agamotto; Official movie runtime, Thor appearance in post-credit scene confirmed!

| Oct 17, 2016 01:30 AM EDT

Doctor Strange is an upcoming superhero film produced by Marvel Studios starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, Michael Stuhlbarg, Mads Mikkelsen, and Tilda Swinton.

New details for "Doctor Strange" will feature the full power of the Eye of Agamotto, the official movie runtime and Thor's appearance.

It seems that the official runtime for "Doctor Strange" film has been revealed as the British Board of Film Classification say that length of the film will be at one hour, 54 minutes and 49 seconds. "Doctor Strange" is the second-shortest Marvel film ever made by the studio, being a couple minutes ahead of "Thor: The Dark World".

Meanwhile, Marvel president Kevin Feige and director Scott Derrickson revealed the true power behind Stephen Strange's (Benedict Cumberbatch) powerful amulet. the Eye of Agamotto as several speculations hint that the Eye itself is an Infinity Stone. Both Feige and Derrickson told Entertainment Weekly that the Eye of Agamotto has the ability to "screw around" with time, further supporting the existence of the Time Stone in the film.

"Doctor Strange" props master Barry Gibbs casually dropped a hint that the mystical amulet holds an object that suspiciously looks like an Infinity Stone as he stated that when the Eye of Agamotto is opened up. it will reveal a small pale green stone inside.

Four Infinity Stones have already been shown in the Marvel Cinematic Universe; The Tesseract/Space Stone, the Aether/Reality Stone, the Power Stone and the Mind Stone. Only the Time Stone and Soul Stone are left to make to an appearance, and it will not take long for fans to see the Time Stone reveal itself during the course of "Doctor Strange" movie.

Lastly, the official post-credits scenes for "Doctor Strange" have been revealed as the firs credit scene will feature Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) inviting Thor Odinson (Chris Hemsworth) to the Sanctum Sanctorum to discuss his haft-brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) making trouble in New York. Strange made it clear the he will get rid of all magical threats in the world including Asgardians, however, Thor made a counter offer to help him find Loki, so he can find his father, Odin (Anthony Hopskins) who has gone missing since the second Thor film. Strange agrees, but Thor must promise not return to Earth.

The second scene, will feature Baron Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor) ripping the magic out of Benjamin Bratt's character, saying that there are far too many sorcerers. These could mean a potential villanous role for Mordo as film will see him as an ally of Stephen Strange, but when the Ancient One (Tilda Swinton) appointed him the title "Sorcerer Supreme", Mordo was not please and that envy will likely take him a dark path in the possible sequel, JoBlo reported.

"Doctor Strange" is scheduled to release in cinemas on Nov. 4.

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