'Arrow' Season 5 rumors: New theory hints Prometheus possible identity; Deadshot returns, Human Target debuts in episode 5!

| Oct 19, 2016 01:30 AM EDT

Arrow is CW Network series developed by writer/producers Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Andrew Kreisberg.

The latest details and spoilers for "Arrow" season 5 will feature Deadshot's return, episode 5 synopsis and the possible identity of Prometheus.

A new theory regarding "Arrow" season 5's villainous vigilante, Prometheus has been revealed as his possible identity is connected to both Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (Stephen Amell) and Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards).

"Arrow" season 5 sees the introduction of Felicity's new romantic interest SCPD Detective Brian Malone (Tyler Ritter), which Oliver has no idea about. Malone's presence in the show will spell bad news for Olicity fans as Oliver will not just compete with Malone for Felicity's affection, but also for his life as well.

It is rumored that Malone could be be Prometheus in the show as he has a huge grudge against Oliver Queen in the past and he will likely take everything away from him including Felicity. Executive Producer Wendy Mericle stated that Prometheus was created because of Oliver's action in season 1 and judging by his appearance in the show. He will represent a dark mirror to Green Arrow and will be as strong, fast and likely more cunning than Oliver in a "sociopathic" way.

If Malone and Prometheus are one and the same, then this would make the conflict between Prometheus and the Green Arrow so much more personal, since Malone would not only be fighting Oliver to prove his superiority and replace him as the best archer, but he will be fighting to replace Oliver as Felicity’s best friend and romantic interest.

Furthermore, it is possible that Prometheus knows that the Green Arrow and Oliver are the same person, and if this is the case could Malone have targeted Felicity because he knew she is close to Oliver and the Green Arrow, playing the long game and using her to get to him, Melty reported.

In other news, this week's upcoming episode "A Matter of Trust" will feature the return of Floyd Lawton/Deadshot (Michael Rowe) to the "Arrow" TV series.

Although, there is no additional information as where he is or what his role in the said episode, it is revealed that due to "Flashpoint" event, Deadshot never died during his "Suicide Squad" mission in "Arrow" season 3.

Lastly, episode 5 of "Arrow " season 5" will feature the debut of Christopher Chance, the "Human Target" as Oliver seeks his help to rescue one his teammates from Tobia Church (Chad L. Coleman). Chance will be played by "Jessica Jones" star Wil Traval, Screenrant reported.

"Arrow" season 5 returns on Wednesday 8pm on the CW Network.

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