'Overwatch' DLC update: New PTR patch will have several character changes; New clues on Sombra revealed!

| Oct 21, 2016 05:30 AM EDT

Overwatch is a multiplayer first-person shooter game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC platforms.

New "Overwatch" details will feature character changes on an upcoming PTR patch update and new clues on Sombra revealed.

Blizzard Entertainment announced a new PTR patch update soon for "Overwatch" as game designer Geoff Goodman revealed that Blizzard will take a more "meaningful" approach to the game's present roster. While gamers are expecting some changes for each character in "Overwatch", Goodman added the the PTR update will be around a bit longer than previous tests.

Goodman stated that this new approach will mean that the PTR changes players will test out are unlikely to make it through unchanged, unlike previous PTR cycles. There is no announcement yet as to when the new PRT patch update will launch, but Goodman stated that it will happen later this week.

Blizzard used the PTR for "Overwatch" to ensure that the game was solid and without any outstanding problems. While the developers were able to gather feedback on future changes, the quick turnaround meant that the scope of the changes were limited and the team were unable to test out multiple iterations of various updates.

Although the patch meant changes within the "Overwatch's" roster, Symmestra was the exception of the group as Goodman stated that she is "pretty good internally" in terms of gameplay, Gamerant reported.

In other news, new clues on the upcoming "Overwatch" DLC character Sombra has been revealed as a new glitch in the amommentincrime website has been found after the counter hit 100 percent.

It was previously believed that a huge Sombra hint or announcement will be made after the counter hit 100, but gaming fans were disappointed to find out that no major newshappened. However, Blizzard may just be prolonging the game as an unknown glitch was discovered in "Overwatch" that may be related to Sombra.

A Reddit username TheOfficialMrBiggs noticed changes in the "Overwatch" Hero Gallery items that a hero has in possession. Heroes such as D.va and Mercy had their number of items changed from 63 to 66 and 64 to 68 respectively.

Although the glitch does not lead straight to the mysterious hero Sombra, it is believed that this is a hint of her presence as the changed item counts might be a code that is yet to be cracked, iTechPost reported.

Game director Jeff Kaplan confirmed that a new "Overwatch" hero is coming soon and the upcoming character is undergoing internal testing as of press time. Sombra's character image has already been leaked throughout the internet as a Latina woman, with a wild hairstyle, a purple trench coat and some sort of Uzi like submachine gun.

Sombra is said to be one of the world’s best and most notorious hackers, who lost everything during the Omnic Crisis. She has “worked with the Los Muertos gang in Mexico” but had to go underground after gaining too much notoriety. She was then recruited by Talon.

"Overwatch" is currently available for the PS4, Xbox One and PC platforms.

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