Bacteria living in your mouth can cause migraines, other types of tension headaches; Important things to know

| Oct 21, 2016 02:07 PM EDT

Bacteria living in your mouth can cause migraines, other types of tension headaches; Important things to know

According to latest reports, bacteria living in a person's mouth can cause migraines and other types of tension headaches.

It has been long believed that particular foods trigger migraines. According to a new study, it is the bacteria from the food left in a person's mouth that can lead to headaches, Mashable reported.

The study discovered that individuals with migraines had more bacteria in the mouths that can break down nitrates present in particular foods (such as green leafy vegetables and processed meats), compared to individuals who did not suffer from migraines.

The nitrates can be converted into nitric oxide that improves circulation. However, it can be harmful when there is a lot of it in an individual's bloodstream. Too much of these microorganisms may break down nitrates very fast, causing blood vessels in the scalp and brain to dilate, thereby causing migraines.

But scientists are not clear whether the nitrates or these foods are to blame.

The study's co-author Embriette Hyde said that while the link between nitrates and migraines has been known for sometime, scientists are not sure about the nature of this link.

They know it depends on formation of nitric oxide; however, the precise mechanism has not been established yet. The study is preliminary, and while the findings are interesting, they need to confirm them in a bigger cohort.

For the study, scientists examined data from the American Gut Project on microbes found in the mouths of about 172 subjects and the feces of about 1,996 subjects.

Nitrate-reducing bacteria were found more in the fecal samples of individuals who suffer from migraines and notably more in the mouth samples.

Migraines can lead to a pulsing sensation or severe throbbing pain generally on one side of the head. It is frequently accompanied by sensitivity to sound and light, vomiting and nausea, Mayo Clinic reported. Also, they can lead to a significant amount of pain for some days.

Treatment may include preventative medications and pain-relieving medications.

It is believed that individuals who constantly suffer from migraines should avoid foods such as food additives such as MSG and aspartame and processed foods and salty foods. Furthermore,  caffeine and wine can trigger migraines.

Other foods that can cause migraines include beans, chili peppers, pickles, avocado, olives, bananas, red plums and pizza.

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