Director of ‘See You Tomorrow’ Shares Comical Moments of Stars

| Oct 26, 2016 11:45 AM EDT


Ahead of the Dec. 23 premiere of his company’s 25th anniversary, Chinese movie director Zhang Jiajia shared during the Beijing press conference of the upcoming movie “See You Tomorrow” some funny photos of the stars.

The comical pictures include Tong Leung, one of the stars of the film, with seaweeds on his head. It turned out Leung just finished shooting a scene in which he wanted to jump into the water, China Entertainment News reported.

Takeshi Kaneshiro, the second main actor of the film, was advised to act like an 18-year-old man to fit the character of Guan Chun. The actor obeyed Zhang and slowly like the change and adopted it in real life toward the middle of taping. The director noted, “Takeshi was practically so much in character that he spoke like a teenager every day on set and we laughed like crazy.”

For her part, the pregnant Chinese actress, Angelbaby, agreed to have eight large wooden pegs clipped to her face, particularly her flawless skin which she enjoyed doing. It is her first pregnancy which caused edema on her calves caused by water retention.

On Oct. 9, Angelbaby and husband Huang Xiaoming, while on vacation in Japan, announced on their first wedding anniversary that she is expecting a baby, China.org reported.


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