Pokemon Go Halloween update: Kadabra, Alakazam, Zubat, Drowzee, Cubone, Marowak, Meowth spawns increased; Start catching Gengar

| Oct 29, 2016 01:37 PM EDT

Pokemon Go Halloween update: Kadabra, Alakazam, Zubat, Drowzee, Cubone, Marowak, Meowth spawns increased; Start catching Gengar

If reports are anything to go by, Niantic Labs has increased the spawn rate of Zubat, Drowzee, Cubone, Marowak and Meowth.

The Halloween update of the game is making a lot of cash for the developer. After rolling out the update, the mobile game immediately climbed the top charts of App Store, Forbes reported.  It is believed that Niantic will continue to bring events such as this to attract more gamers to play the popular game.

The Halloween update enables the Pokemon Go gamers to capture spooky creatures without any difficulty. The company increased the spawn rate of Pokemons such as Haunter, Hypno, Cubone, Zubat, Golbat, Meowth, Marowak, Drowzee, Gengar and Ghastly.

Also, a few gamers noticed that Alakazam, Kadabra, Ekans and Muk spawns increased; however, it is not included in the announcement of the company.

Furthermore, the update doubles the candies gamers can get. Now, Pokemon Go gamers can receive six candies in capturing a creature instead of three. Also, gamers will get two candies if they transfer a particular creature to the Professor.

The candies gamers will receive in the Buddy System are doubled, and the length of travel to get a candy from a Buddy Pokemon has been reduced. Gamers should pick a rarer creature buddy and begin walking.

Meanwhile, Nintendo has been working for something to make its game 'Super Mario Run' as famous as Pokemon Go, IGN reported.

The game has been introduced in September. The game Super Mario Run will be playable for iOS devices, and according to many reports it will be available on Android devices pretty soon.

It is said that the game will be released on iPad and iPhone in December this year. Furthermore, Super Mario Run will be available in 150 nations throughout the world.

Meanwhile, reports indicate that gamers have found a trick on how to get a huge amount of exp using the bonuses of the present event.

Also, it was suggested that Pokemon Go gamers should begin stacking up ghost type Pokemon particularly Gengar while they can.

The Halloween event is a good opportunity to get Gengar since the company has increased the spawn rate as part of the Halloween event's bonus.

The Pokemon possessed one of the strongest moves present in the game known tas he Sludge Bomb. Sludge Bomb is a Poison type move and has a cool down of 2.6 sec.

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