UFO News: Recent sightings in Vienna and Arizona are FAKE and mere Halloween pranks

| Oct 30, 2016 04:08 AM EDT

An alleged image of a UFO that is being claimed by some experts a mere lenticular cloud.

Reports circulated online saying that unidentified flying objects (UFO) were recently seen on the skies of Phoenix, Arizona and Vienna, Austria were fake and are just plain Halloween pranks.

Earlier this month, hundreds of Arizona residents took to social media and reported the strange orange light that lit up the sky of the East Valley. Residents in Queen Creek area of the East Valley reported that the UFO appeared in the sky between 6 p.m. and 6:45 p.m.

Astronomer and TV personality Dr. Sky supported the residents' claim that what they saw is a UFO since nobody can say exactly what it was. He also suggested that it could be an aircraft, but added that it looked strange for a man-made aircraft. Arizona is a famous place where Phoenix Lights were spotted in 1997.

Meanwhile, Austrian residents of Graz and Vienna were startled with the sudden appearance of a UFO hovering the skies. Several footages of netizens were uploaded online and they also called the police.


The flying object hinted the imminent alien invasion, but skeptics were convinced that it is just a remote-controlled helicopter or drone. However, this is not the first time that time a flying object has created such hype in Austria. During the 2016 New Year festivities, another UFO was spotted reportedly being hit by lightning in Lower Austria.

There is a possibility that the recent UFO sightings were a hoax just in time for the Halloween wherein news and stories about aliens and UFOs are a hit this season.

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