'Legends Of Tomorrow' Season 2 rumors: Rip Hunter returns but not as captain of the Waverider; Showrunner teased 'Legion of Doom' episode!

| Nov 08, 2016 01:30 AM EST

"Legends of Tomorrow" is a spin-off series developed by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Marc Guggenheim and Phil Klemmer.

New details and spoilers for "Legends of Tomorrow" season 2 will feature Rip Hunter's return to the show and a new episode focused on the Legion of Doom.

Executive producer Greg Berlanti teased the possible return of the Time Master and legend's leader Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) in "Legends of Tomorrow" season 2, however, he told Entertainment Weekly that Rip will not be the same as he was when he was introduced in season 1.

Comic book fans and viewers might see a reinvented Rip who has already moved on from the troubles of his past and now wants to enjoy his life. Co-showrunner Marc Guggenheim added that Rip's return to the show will a have huge twist on "Legends of Tomorrow" season 2 as the viewers will first ones to know before the legends find him.

Rip Hunter's whereabouts are still unknown after he disappeared during the season 2 premier. Sara Lance/White Canary (Caity Lotz) step up as leader of the legends, as well as the captain of the Waverider to protect the timeline and find the villains who have disrupting it.

In other news, Guggenheim tweeted the tiltle of episode 10 called "Legion of Doom" and as he name suggest it will be the formation of the legends new enemy group.

The Legion of Doom in "Legends of Tomorrow" will consist of "Arrow" and "The Flash" villains Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman), Damien Darhk (Neal McDonugh), Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash (Matt Letscher) and former legend member Leonard Snart/Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller).

Berlanti stated that the episode will focused on the perspective of the villains and Snart will eventually join them completing the team in midseason finale, Screenrant reported.

Letscher stated during an interview that Reverse-Flash will be the "driving force" behind the group as he searches for his teammates across various timelines. Episode 1 revealed that Eobard is Damien Darhk's mystery partner in gaining access to an atomic bomb and is responsible for the super soldier serum to the Nazis during World War 2.

For now, fans and viewers will just have to wait forthe Legion of Doom to be completed and will likely give hints as the what exactly is there goal during "Legends of Tomorrow" season 2.

"Legend of Tomorrow" season 2 returns on Thursday 8pm on the CW Network.

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