‘One Piece’ Chapter 846: Luffy faces Big Mom’s enraged soldiers in Chapter 846; Can Nami think of a way out?

| Nov 13, 2016 03:28 PM EST

Monkey D. Luffy, also known as "Straw Hat Luffy," is the main protagonist of the 'One Piece' manga series created by Eiichiro Oda

Luffy and Nami cannot escape from Big Mom without difficulty, as the latter deploys her enraged soldiers coupled with the thunderstorm Zeus and Prometheus made to fight against Luffy.

It can be remembered that Big Mom was appalled by the fact that the Whole Cake Chateau knew about the defeat of her son, and thus, she ordered Luffy to be killed instantly.

According to speculations, Luffy will be left with no choice but to face Big Mom's army. However, there are rumors that Jinbe will come and help out Luffy as the former is known to be in the chateau as well.

On the other hand, Nami will not sit idly while her comrade is in danger. Big Mom's weakness might be revealed in this chapter. Nami tries to get an answer from tree Homie king, although it only said that Big Mom got nothing more than a really bad temper.

With this, Nami got the idea to use her Perfect Clima-Tact bo-staff and create a Mirage Tempo. This will create an illusion which could buy time and distract Big Mom. In short, Nami will make herself a bait.

Meanwhile, there are speculations that Sanji might come back to his friends. Surprisingly, he will bring with her the bride-to-be, Pudding. As the two have a deep talk in this chapter, Pudding will realize that she passionately loves Sanji so she might agree to escape with him. Accordingly, Luffy, Nami, Sanji and Pudding will then find a way on how to protect master Zeff, who is used as leverage to compel Sanji into the marriage.

Fans will have to wait long before the next chapter is installed as Eiichiro Oda is taking a one week break from the anime world.

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