Photo of Golden Pheasant in Hangzhou Safari Park goes Viral Because of Donald Trump-like Bird

| Nov 16, 2016 06:23 AM EST

Golden Pheasant

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s hair continues to attract attention. A young developer recently made a video game of his hairdo, while a Chinese journalist from Hangzhou City noticed a bird at the city’s Safari Park with its plume also golden like the 45th president of the U.S.

The journalist took a photo of the golden pheasant, a five-year-old bird called “Little Red,” posted it on social media which eventually went viral, The Washington Post reported. Chinese netizens made fun of the bird’s similarity with the billionaire.

One netizen had a scenario where Trump told wife Melania that he has never been to Hangzhou, insinuating the bird could not be his offspring. Another netizen commented that Trump should support the golden pheasant until it graduates from university.

Others said the golden pheasant wore the blonde hair better than Trump. On QQ.com news site, someone commented that Little Red’s facial expression is also similar to Trump. The end to their physical similarity is Trump’s lack of beak.

Little Red’s caretaker, Gao, said he did not notice his ward’s mane. However, after Trump’s unexpected election and Gao started seeing more of the real estate mogul’s hair, he noticed his pet looks a bit like the next president of the U.S.

Gao added that he expects more zoo visitors because of the Trump bird look-alike. The New York Daily News noted that the Safari Park in China has 50 other pheasants. The golden pheasant is endemic to mountain areas of China and a protected species.


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