10 Matter-of- Fact Reasons Why Most Single Moms Are Great In Bed

| Mar 05, 2015 05:25 AM EST

Single Mom

Single mothers are a master of all trades, not just a Jack. These women have skillsets they possess that other women do not have.  Multi-tasker, patience, hard-working are to name a few.

Below are 10 facts why these single moms are told to be great in bed.

  1. Body Confidence. Since a single mom have given birth already and have endured their bloated and heavy figure yet carried it very nicely, a stretchmark would not mean much for them to think that they are less beautiful.

  2. Appreciation. A guy would like to feel appreciated especially when going out on a date.  If a guy wants to have a very eager and ecstatic woman to just be able to leave the house then date a single mom. She will be thankful for a parking ticket just to have an adult conversation from time to time other than topics about Disneyland, imagine how they will be like in the sack.

  3. Hot Sex And Lots Of It. Dating a single mom will give a guy lots of it. Why? She gets out once a month and was able to get a baby sitter only until 10:30pm. Do the math.

  4. No Small Talk. If a guy's single mom date gets lucky enough to have a free evening, not only that he gets a reverse cowgirl instead of strolling along the parks, but he may also get the pleasure of some serious zeds after. He may have thought that he has mastered snoozing off after a shag, think again. She may look like a need for three nights unbroken sleep in the last four years.

  5. Condoms. If there is one thing that is guaranteed to make a woman strict about birth control, it is raising a child on her own, according to The Trent Online.

  6. Wet Wipes. Always present in a single mom's purse, very handy.

  7. Biological Clocks. That is the scary ticking that a guy will not get from his single mom girlfriend after two months of dating. She's been there, and done with it.

  8. They Know What They Want. Time is precious and a guy does not want to waste time, getting things right from the start matters a lot. No more fumbling sex and not knowing what works or not, the single mom will spell it out. Even without the luxury of Sunday lie-ins and sever day a week shag options, the single mom girlfriend make sure it counts, without headaches.

  9. Role Play. Spending most of her time giving orders she know how to do it when it comes to role playing. Single moms have it all wrapped it.  You've been a bad boy, straight to bed with no supper!

  10. Knows How To Cuddle Like A Pro. It all comes out naturally. Just do not ask for milk, Metro reported.

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