Facebook-Owned Instagram to Roll out New Interactive ‘Carousel Ads’, Share Advertisers’ Websites

| Mar 05, 2015 05:38 AM EST


If you have ever seen an ad on Instagram and thought, "I want to learn more about that," soon you will be able to do that--thanks to "carousel ads." The Facebook-owned company is planning to roll out clickable, interactive ads that let you link to advertisers' websites.  

This step continues the development of Instagram's ads. In 2013 it launched photo ads, and then video ads last year.

In a Wednesday blog post Instagram said that its marketers want to tell "beautiful" stories. Meanwhile, the Instagram community wants to learn more about an inspiring brand or product, according to PC Mag.

It seems that the proverbial customer is indeed always right. Instagram's "carousel ads" allow people to receive more content about brands' posts.

When you see an ad that you like, simply swipe left to see more photos provided by the advertiser. If you are uninterested, simply scroll beyond the feed.

Instagram explained that these new ads are like big print campaigns for cellphones. Advertisers could show meal ingredients, fashion accessories, or car features, allowing Instagram users to learn more.

The new carousel ads are Instagram's latest step to boost its advertising features. The photo/video sharing service will now be allowing advertisers to share more images.

Still, executives of the company have noted that ads will be spaced out when inserted. They claim that the primary focus of Instagram will be to add users, according to Reuters.

Instagram is introducing carousel ads in the United States, as part of a test run. During the next weeks, users might see carousel ads with different formats as Instagram determines which ones are best.   

Are you ready to ride the carousel? Carousel ads, that is.  

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