Removing Facebook from your Android phone spares 20% battery life

| Nov 23, 2016 02:21 AM EST

Removing Facebook from your Android phone spares 20% battery life

Clients using the official Facebook app on their Android phones have been sending complaints to the Facebook team here and there about execution issues and the app leeching off battery life.  Even the central item officer of Facebook, Chris Cox, declared an Android-only policy to the staff in order to experience the said issues firsthand. Now, after facing conflicts regarding the app, people are discovering that uninstalling Facebook from their Android devices actually serves as the solution.

An experiment conducted by Tech World Zone recently was focused on the occurring problems and issues of the app in Android using Huawei Nexus 6P. The Facebook app was deleted and replaced with the Metal app, a customized browser for the social network. With the dismissal of the primary app, the test phone preserved an additional 20 percent battery life for the whole day. This went on every day for the course of the week. Android OS and the Android framework also demonstrated diminished battery utilization after the uninstallation of the Facebook app. The test concluded that even though the social network app did not look much of a huge battery consumer, it actually depletes battery life even on standby.

The first known pioneer of the battery saver solution was a blogger named Russell Holly. Back in January, Holly wrote an article in Android Central commentating about his problems with using the Facebook app; in which he explained in detail everything that led him to delete the app from his Android phone. This caused a domino effect where other users decided to test the same experiment that Holly did using their own phones. Beginning with Reddit user "pbrandes_eth", he reported that his LG G4 phone has been launching faster since deleting both the official Facebook and Messenger app. Other Reddit users also proved similar results of battery longevity and phone acceleration after testing the same experiment that Holly did.

"We have heard reports of a few people encountering speed issues coming from our Android application." According to a Facebook representative in courtesy of Tech World Zone. "We are investigating this and will update you as often as possible. We are focused on keeping on enhancing these issues," the representative said.

While Facebook is yet to cater its battery issues in Android devices, there are alternative ways to preserve battery life such as using customized social network browsers like the Metal app. Another way is by browsing the social network using mobile internet browsers like Google Chrome.  

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