‘Avengers’ Vs ‘X-Men’ Movie Possible? Kevin Feige gives Definitive Answer but here’s why it could still happen

| Nov 22, 2016 10:03 PM EST


It's the Marvel fan's ultimate dream: the Avengers versus the X-Men. Unfortunately, it's unlikely to happen. Or is it?

Before we delve deep into speculation, let's look at the straight response from Marvel Studios' head honcho Kevin Feige. From a Variety piece, he replied when asked about a possible joint venture with Fox in the same manner as they did with Sony (regarding Spider Man).

"It's an impossibility at this juncture. We certainly have enough films to keep us busy for a number of lifetimes," Feige said.

That's just about a definite answer as you can get. Cinema Blend also reiterated Feige's point about Marvel being busy. They point out how Marvel has recently introduced another character, Doctor Strange into their universe and it has turned out to be a big hit.

Marvel Studios doesn't need popular comic book names as they have proven in "Guardians of the Galaxy" which has a highly anticipated sequel to be released next year. Marvel will also introduce Captain Marvel and Black Panther will have his scheduled feature solo film.

Perhaps the final nail on the coffin would be the confirmation that the Inhumans movie, long seen as a "mutant replacement" will reportedly push through even if they have a TV series already.

So why should we still hold on to the possibility of Marvel striking a deal with Fox?

If we look at Feige's answer, it's "an impossibility at this juncture." There is a shred that it's a temporary state and it's hinged on Marvel being "busy."

However, Marvel will be busy-as we've pointed out. So Feige's reason still stands. What we must remember is that Marvel has always been busy-with a full slate of movie schedules until 2019, when they were revealed to have been negotiating with Sony (due to the infamous email leak). Eventually, that deal did push through and Feige and co. found ways to sneak Spider-Man in "Captain America: Civil War" and even his own feature film. Point is, for the right characters, Marvel Studios can and will make time.

Another important thing to point out with Feige's answer-the reason it's an impossibility is because of them, not Fox. They have struck a deal with Fox before so that's not the issue.

The CB article pointed out that this is a time when Marvel can "buy low" on Fox. Their best character is retiring and the last X-Men movie was disappointing. It's a similar situation with Sony when the Spider Man negotiations took place.

Final note is that Feige had a similar, dismissive response when he was asked about striking a deal with Sony for Spider Man. Yet, here it is. Perhaps it's not the X-Men yet, maybe the Fantastic Four first, but the eventual reintegration of all Marvel characters is still possible.

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