Jared Leto Debuts Platinum Hair In Preparation For His New Role In Upcoming Flick 'The Suicide Squad'

| Mar 05, 2015 10:20 PM EST

Jared Leto

3 Seconds to Mars front man and Oscar winner Jared Leto has not only chopped off his long hair for his role as The Joker in the upcoming movie 'Suicide Squad' but also dyed it platinum and shaved his ancient old beard, Seattle PI reports. According to his stylist Chase Kusero the platinum is just the first step in preparation for his role. Kusero also posted a photo in the social media photo sharing website Instagram of a green dye, which is obviously the color of the villain, Joker.

Leto is known, like the great actor Daniel Day Lewis who has 4 best actor Oscars in lead role, the most win in the category, to be in character when filming, like what he did in his last movie where he plays a transwoman and HIV patient in the movie 'Dallas Buyers Club'. Leto lost 30 pounds, shaved his eyebrows and waxed his entire body. He also worked for weeks to develop Rayon's speaking voice and refused to break his character during filming. He won the Oscar for the best actor in the supporting role.

IGN also reported that Leto has gained weight for the role. He also branded Joker as beautiful disaster and said that comics are now evolving to include characters that are Shakespearean in scope.

David Ayer will call the shots for "Suicide Squad" and will also stars Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Jai Courtney and Cara Delevigne.

The film is expected to be released on August 5, 2016.

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