Cyber Monday 2016 deals from Amazon, Newegg include GTX 1080 and RX 480 videocards

| Nov 29, 2016 08:03 AM EST

The NVIDIA GTX 1080, not the GTX 1080 Ti, is running inside a gaming rig.

Cyber Monday is a great time for PC gamers to find NVIDIA GTX 1080 or AMD Radeon RX 480 deals if they want to save several more bucks through Amazon and Newegg.

After Black Friday, tech-savvy customers can still get the most out of their money on Cyber Monday. Amazon and Newegg both have good deals for video cards and laptops that are otherwise more expensive on any other day.

One of the best Cyber Monday 2016 graphics card deals is Newegg's MSI GeForce GTX 1080 ARMOR 8GB OC for only $599 after a $20 rebate card, PC Gamer reported. Those who do not want the best of the best can still settle for the EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 FTW edition for only $410 for a total of $50 in savings through Amazon as well.

NVIDIA released the two cards several months ago, but the main problem of the customers were stock shortages which led to some price gougers online. Some GTX 1080 cards even went on to sell for almost $1000 on eBay and Amazon.

PC gamers who want to save a little more or are simply fans of AMD can opt for Newegg's MSI RX 480 4GB Gaming X which only costs $180 if the customer has a $20 rebate card. They also have the Powercolor Red Devil Radeon RX 470 4GB for $155 which could save $30.

Customers who do not want all the fuss of installing a video card for their desktop computers can choose to buy a gaming laptop instead. Amazon has the Asus ROG GL552VW-DH71 15-inch gaming laptop that only costs $925 with free shipping compared to its $1000 original price.

The Asus ROG laptop includes an Intel Core i7-6700HQ processor and a GeForce GTX 960M GPU, TechRadar reported. It has a 15-inch 1080p screen and 16GB RAM which means its capable of multitasking while gaming.

Customers should grab the Cyber Monday 2016 deals while they last especially as stocks may go low again during the holiday season. GTX 1080 and the RX 480 cards will get the most value out of a PC gamer's pocket.

See other Cyber Monday 2016 deals in the video below:

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