Hollywood news: Trump win felt like 'betrayal': Madonna

| Dec 08, 2016 09:44 AM EST

Madonna is definitely not a fan of Donald Trump after comparing Trump's presidential win to feeling "like someone died."

After personalities like four-time NBA MVP LeBron James, "Avengers" star Mark Ruffalo, and Oscar Best Actress Natalie Portman expressed their disappointment with the election of Donald Trump as president-elect, "Queen of Pop" Madonna compared the Republican candidate's victory to feeling "like someone died."

Billboard's 'Woman of the Year' did not have nice words to say about Trump after telling Billboard that his victory is much like a "combination of the heartbreak and betrayal you feel when someone you love more than anything leaves you."

Madonna added that she felt like women who voted for Trump betrayed fellow women who thought Trump has no respect for them and is misogynistic. According to The Guardian, 53 percent of white females voted for Trump who has compared women to pigs and has a long history of sexual misconduct.

The "Like a Virgin" hitmaker associated women's hate for each other for the high number of Trump's female voters. Madonna added that the reason women did not vote for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, who was primed to be the first female president of the USA, has something to do with "jealousy and some sort of tribal inability to accept that one of their kind could lead a nation."

The 58-year-old singer said that she knows people who voted for Trump and has been involved into major arguments with them. Madonna's fellow celebrities like Ruffalo and former "Startrek" star George Takei encouraged their fans to appeal for a request of auditing the electoral vote in an attempt to prove that Clinton prevailed over the 70-year-old.

Madonna, who did a photo shoot years ago with Trump, described him as charismatic and friendly, but did not hold back saying that she wants to rain on Trump's parade. She expressed that Trump's win proved that Americans can no longer be critical of its government and leaders and said America is the "laughing stock of the universe right now."

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