Fairy Tail Chapter 515 Release Date, Preview: Dragon Seed, Time Travel - 4 Burning Questions Ahead of “I am You..You Are Me”

| Dec 19, 2016 12:56 PM EST

Fairy Tail is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hiro Mashima.

Irene Belseroin is Erza's mother after all. Now that's dead giveaway, right? But how about the father? Is it the Dragon of Virtue, Lord Belseroin or someone else? Perhaps, conception through Dark Magic powers. These are just few questions that need to be answered in the next chapter of Fairy Tail.

Warning Potential Spoilers Below:

Who is Erza's Father?

Following Irene's revelation that she is indeed the mother of Fairy Tail Guild's Erza Scarlet, the immediate question that comes with it is who is her father?

Now, Chapter 513 and 514 mentioned that Irene was once the Queen of Dragon, and presumably the wife of the Dragon of Virtue, the king of Dragnov Kingdom, Belseroin. When the Dragons from the West invaded Ishgar, Irene and Belseroin fought together hand-in-hand with the former becoming the very first Dragon Slayer.

As the Dragon Seed matured, human granted with Dragon Slayer magic turned mad or succumbed to illness. Another possible fallout from absorbing such immense power is to become a full-fledged Dragon. Irene showed signs of transforming into a scaled beast when she was pregnant with Erza.

First and foremost, how in the world Irene gets pregnant by a Belseroin? I mean, one is a human and the other is Dragon. Ssshh., you know what I mean. I think only Chapter 51'5 could explain this stuff.

Time Travel

400 years ago, Irene found out that she's pregnant with Erza. After four centuries, Erza is still alive and pretty, and so is Irene. How does this happen? I suspect the time portal, also known as the Eclipse gate, has something to do with that.

My prediction, before Natsu and the rest of the Dragon Slayers were transported to the current timeline by Zeref, Anna Heartfilia and the Pacifist Dragons led by Igneel, a baby Erza was the very first person to go through that portal. As for Irene, she had undergone full transformation of becoming a Dragon, allowing her to extend life span. But like Acnologia, she has the ability to switch back to her human state.

How does Irene's revelations affect story?

Irene's revelation has a huge impact on the Fairy Tail as it enters its final phase. The Alvarez Empire arc has gone too long that an ending needs to happen really soon. Natsu must become the Dragon he was supposed to be in order to accomplish the 400-year old objective of defeating Acnologia and killing his brother, Zeref. And I believe the information Irene is about to tell in Chapter 515 will be key to it.

When Chapter 515: I am You....You are Me will be released?

The release of Chapter 515 was delayed for one week due to annual Jump Festa, which is an annual party and exposition sponsored by Shueisha. Therefore, the next Fairy Tail chapter is set for release on Dec. 28 issue of Kodansha Shonen Weekly.

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