This kid proves that you shouldn’t save your credit card in your phone

| Dec 26, 2016 12:30 PM EST

A visitor tries out an Apple iPhone 7 on the first day of sales of the new phone at the Berlin Apple store on September 16, 2016 in Berlin, Germany.

A six-year-old went to a shopping spree in Amazon using her mother's thumbprint while she was sleeping.

The kid spent $250 on Pokemon plush toys using her mother's saved credit card. The girl is proud of her little scam and got to keep some of the toys she ordered. 

Just when we thought that fingerprint sensor increased the security of one's smartphone and our personal information and accounts connected on our mobile devices, a kid found it to be the easiest way to do her Christmas shopping.

It all started when Bethany Howell from Arkansas, USA dozed off on the couch. Her daughter Ashlynd used her thumb in order to unlock her iPhone and accessed the Amazon app. From there, the kid went on ordering a total of 13 Pokemon plush toys amounting to $250 using the saved credit card and information of her mother.

Clueless about what happened, the parents were surprised to receive confirmations from sellers. Instead of feeling remorse, the kid felt proud for being able to shop online and the toys will be delivered right to their doorstep.

The mother tried to send back all the purchases, but only managed to return four plush toys. To impress the value of honesty on her daughter, Bethany told Ashlynd that Santa Claus found out her petty scam and "will not bring all of the gifts."

This is one of the reasons why experts advise not to save personal and credit card information in your devices.

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