'Power Rangers' movie 2017 spoilers: Yellow Ranger's death teased to happen; New look at the reboot's Putty Patrollers revealed!

| Jan 04, 2017 05:30 AM EST

Power Rangers reboot is a joint production of both Saban and Lionsgate, which will be directed by Dean Israelite.

The latest details and spoilers for the "Power Rangers" 2017 film will feature the possible death of Yellow Ranger and a new look at the Putty Patrollers in the reboot.

It seem that the Putty Patrollers will have new appearances at the "Power Rangers" 2017 film as a new toyline of the movie the movie versions of the monsters courtesy of Toys R Us, Screenrant reported.The Putty Patrollers are mindless foot soldiers created by Rita Repulsa from the original "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" TV show and made out of a clay or putty-like substance, hence their names.

Unlike the TV series, the 2017 film version looked bigger and more grotesque, as previous reports hinted that stuntmen in green suits filming a fight sequence with the "Power Rangers" 2017 actors, with the rumor being that they were playing Putty Patrollers that will be created through the magic of CGI in post-production.

Fans of the "Power Rangers" franchise already saw the new Rangers, Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks), Alpha 5 (Bill Hader) and Goldar, but have yet to see the appearance of "Breaking Bad" star Bryan Cranston as Zordon in the "Power Rangers" movie.

Meanwhile, several rumors are making rounds regarding a possible death of a Ranger in the "Power Rangers" 2017 movie.

Twitter page of YVRShoots.com tweeted a photo of a funeral scene. It is unknown as to who is the character who died in the film, but there are speculations and theories that one member of the Power Rangers will likely die at the hands of Rita Repulsa and it all points to Trini/Yellow Ranger (Becky G).

Becky G stated in an interview that reason for Rita targeting Trini is that Rita feels she is the "weak link" in the team, trying to win Trini in her side, Entertainment Weekly reported.

Rita Rita told Trini during the teaser trailer that she has killed Rangers before her, which supports the possibility that someone will die in the Power Rangers ranks. Rita's origin has been speculated to be the Green Ranger but has betrayed the Rangers for the Zeo Crystal.

In order to obtain the Zeo Crystal, Rita will need Goldar's help as the monster is the only one who can penetrate the force field surrounding the crysral.

Goldar will act as the main monster that the rangers will face in the film as Rita will deliver the Zeo Crystal to her master Lord Zedd.

The "Power Rangers" movie will be in cinemas on March 24, 2017.

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