Earwax removal safety recommendations for 2017; Ear candles discredited by experts

| Jan 04, 2017 02:26 PM EST

A candle has been lighted and placed right above the ear as part of the alternative earwax removal procedure, known as ear candling.

Various earwax removal methods are being adapted by individuals to address earwax build-up. However, this New Year, ear experts updated some of the guidelines concerning earwax build-up and ear care to help avoid infections and severe ear damage.

In the past years, there have been various beliefs and alternatives concerning ear care, which led to various queries, doubts, and even misapplications. To somehow shed more light and avoid being misguided concerning ear care, American Academy of Otolaryngology recently updated their safety guidelines particularly focused on earwax removal.

Some of the recommendations that were updated includes the reminder against over cleaning the ears, for it causes irritation in the ear canal, ear infection, and ironically earwax build-up, according to Medical News Today. Moreover, ear candling as an earwax removal alternative, has also been discredited by American Academy of Otolaryngology.

Proponents of the ear candling method are claiming that the warmth effect of the candle causes suctions that pulls earwax and other impurities found within the ear canal. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim, according to Healthline. Thus, suggesting that one should not simply subscribe to the use of ear candles as an alternative method of earwax removal.

The American Academy of Otolaryngology further recommended that one should immediately seek medical attention if experiencing ear pain or ear fullness. In terms of doubt, it would be best to ask clinicians on how you to safely treat earwax buildup at home.

On top of all the recommendations, it is important to remember that earwax or cerumen is a natural occurring substance in the body that helps in protecting and lubricating the ears. Without it, the human ear may be prone to infection, dryness, and itchiness. However, too much of the waxy substance could also lead to earache, partial hearing loss, and tinnitus. Thus, a well-regulated and well-guided ear cleaning should be practiced to keep the balance.

Watch here below proper ear care tips:

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