Michael Schumacher health update remains elusive; Schumacher foundation likely underway

| Jan 06, 2017 05:44 AM EST

A long banner is displayed across the field during 'Champions For Charity' Football Match to honor the legendary racer, Michael Schumacher.

Michael Schumacher recently celebrated his 48th birthday, but significant updates concerning Schumacher's heatlh condition remain to be elusive for fans. The family and close associates of the F1 legend continues to filter suppress and filter information in hopes of protecting the racer's privacy.

The condition of the F1 racer remains to by unknown to most of his fans, even three after the skiing accident happened. The lack of sufficient updates regarding Schumacher's recovery has been hampered by the racer's camp to issue any comments about it, seeing that the racer's health is not a public matter.

"Michael's health is not a public issue, so we will not comment on it. We are aware that this is difficult to understand for some people, but we are in perfect agreement with Michael's attitude and can only say thanks for the understanding, Metro quoted Schumacher's manager Sabine Kehm as saying.

However, despite the lack of updates coming Schumi's camp, a window of improvement was somehow hinted last year through the Keep Fighting Initiative. The said initiative, according to Kehm is a sign of gratitude and respect from the Schumacher family towards the racer's fans.

"We want to channel the positive energy that Michael and his family have received for so many years and motivate everyone who is inspired by Michael's career and character to continue fighting and never give up," Daily Star quoted Kehm as saying.

Following the successful charity event, the same publication speculated of a foundation possibly being built to support the community development projects, prefigured by the The Keep Fighting Initiative. However, there is still no clarification about the idea being proposed, no updates of the speculated foundation and even Michael Schumacher health information are being released up to now.

That being said, fans worldwide would have to be contended in reminiscing Schumacher's greatness. It has been made more global and interactive through a rendezvous point online which intended to celebrate Schumacher's achievements and success, as mentioned in a separate report.

Watch here below Michael Schumacher tribute video:

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