Terry Crews to possibly voice 'Overwatch' character Doomfist

| Jan 06, 2017 02:51 PM EST

Overwatch is a multiplayer first-person shooter game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC platforms.

Popular action and comedy actor Terry Crews is rumored to voice an unannounced "Overwatch" character. The rumors started spreading after the actor reportedly visited the game developer Blizzard Entertainment.

According to Game Rant, Doomfist, the rumored character that Crews will voice for, is one of the most likely heroes that will be released in "Overwatch" sometime in the future. Hints of his existence is prominently featured on the Numbani map on several signs. Furthermore, the main objective of the map is to escort Doomfist's glove to the museum to showcase in an event focusing on him.

Also, the signs within the map feature a mysterious figure as Doomfist's modern iteration, heavily implying that his appearance as a playable character will be done in the future. As such, Doomfist will most likely appear sometime within 2017 after Winston's AI Athena.

With this, Crews took to Facebook to ask his followers whether or not they want him to become the voice of Doomfist. Obviously, his question was met with an overwhelmingly positive response from his fans. Thus, it is up to Blizzard now whether or not it will become a reality.

After all, according to Polygon, Crews himself replied to a thread in Reddit back in November 2016 about the potential of him becoming the voice of Doomfist. He said he would love to play as Doomfist, and his visit to the Blizzard Entertainment Studios in December 2016 might be the confirmation of the Overwatch character's development.

However, there are some rumors saying that Crews might just be generating excitement for an "Overwatch" character Blizzard has never announced. After all, his social media questions give doubt as to whether or not he already got the role.

Regardless of what the future might bring, "Overwatch" always has new content to keep the game fresh for its player base. Right now, its latest update features the new map Oasis, a futuristic desert city.

Here is the "Overwatch" video for the Oasis map update.

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