President Xi Pushes for Discipline in the Communist Party

| Jan 08, 2017 09:18 PM EST

President Xi Jinping wants to have discipline during the elections.

The Communist Party of China's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection held its annual plenary session recently. In the President's opening remarks, he called for discipline to prevent fraud in the coming elections.

Xi added that this will be attained through following the Party's rules to strengthen the management of the organization.

"Those who are excellent in both morality and capability should be chosen and promoted," he said.

Elections will be held at the 19th CPC National Congress that is scheduled for the second half of this year. Top leaders will be elected.

There is an expected number of changes in posts among cadres at various levels across the country.

Experts agree that there should be more diligence to make sure that the elections are free of fraud.

According to Jiang Laiyong, a senior researcher with the China Anti-Corruption Research Center at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, "it's more than necessary to update relevant Party rules to meet the needs of reality, and further, improve the supervision system within the Party and standardize the nomination for the election candidates."

The Party's head of the Committee on Discipline Inspection, Wang Qishan, published a statement in November last year to highlight the importance of supervision.

He wrote, "The higher one's position is, the more trust the Party bestows on him, so the higher the risk," and added that absolute power leads to absolute corruption, and thus unsupervised power is extremely dangerous.

He also said that a lot of officials are indifferent and apathetic about that, thinking it does not matter much about breaking political rules as long as they do not take bribes.

Wang heads the committee responsible for the government's anti-corruption drive.

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