Easy ways to improve the quality of your life

| Jan 10, 2017 07:36 AM EST

Lindy Klim poses inside a meditation pod in Martin Place during the Virgin Mobile and Smiling Mind partnership launch

In order to improve the quality of our lives, we must first reflect and determine what our dreams and goals are, the things we want to reach, and the accomplishments we want to achieve. With these goals come many decisions which boil down to the very little things we do every day.

Improving life does not have to begin with big and drastic changes, but it should start with the tiny choices we make that will lead to the biggest and most significant improvement in our lives, and here are some of those things.

Achieve mindfulness

According to The Muse, mindfulness is a kind of meditation that is more realistic to achieve because it does not really require a lot of practice and it offers positive changes in your mood, stress level and overall well being. All you need to do is spend a few minutes of your time each day to reflect and notice the things that are happening to you right now.

Be consistent with your bedtime routine

It is important to make a bedtime routine that you can stick to because that is where your healthy morning will start from. If you feel good before falling asleep at night, chances are you will wake up happier and that mood is something you can carry with you throughout the day.

Step out of your comfort zone

Routine can make us feel comfortable, stable and secure but too much comfort and familiarity does not allow room for growth anymore. Learning is something that happens when you are at your most uncomfortable state, so do not stop learning and growing as a person. Leave your comfort zone, leave your routine and do something have not done before but you have always wanted.

Take a break and go outside

Too much work can sometimes leave us stressed and tired and that affects our emotional well being and this can also take a toll on our physical health, according to Lifehack. In order to strike a balance between work and your personal life, schedule some days for a vacation even just for brief one.

Here is a video that talks about how to improve the quality of your life.

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