Famous Nan Xiang Xiaolong Shaking Up Something Special After 170 Years

| Jan 12, 2017 07:32 AM EST

Chinese steamed buns are a hit in NYC.

Nan Xiang Xiaolong Mantou, a homegrown restaurant in Shanghai, has proven its name through the years. Their xiaolong, also known as steamed buns, is the reason for their overwhelming success coming from from their hard work.

For 170 years, Nan Xiang has already satisfied millions of customers from around the globe. In an interview by the Global Times, Li Jiangang expressed his desire of cooking up something different for their beloved customers.

Li Jiangang is the sixth-generation inheritor of Nan Xiang and has been serving dumplings and xiaolongs for over 40 years now. The interview was done at the official Nan Xiang Xiaolong Restaurant at Guyi Garden in Jiading District.

Li believes that innovation is the key to keeping their customers and he is not satisfied with just making the same thing over and over again for years. Now, he is incorporating his own creativity in their famous xiaolong.

Li has won the hearts of the customers after a number of trial and error just to achieve the perfect taste.

Aside from Li, Chen Yihong also wants to create change. Chen is the seventh-generation inheritor of the business. He is partly convinced by Li, which is why he is also keen on making a new recipe.

Chen made a bun filled with dried meat floss and his fellow workers were fortunate enough to have the first bite for unfiltered feedback. One of the comments he got was that the filling was too sweet, and he worked on improving it immediately.

Despite all the changes, Nan Xiang Xiaolong continues to be one of the best places for tasting Chinese food. This restaurant is a living proof of success through working hard all over the years.

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