The new episode of the show returns after the hiatus. In "Stewardess Interruptus," there is tension between Lucifer and Chloe and that makes it difficult for them to investigate the murder of two victims. Fans can watch "Lucifer" Season 2, episode 11 online via live stream, here.
Warning: This article contains spoilers from "Lucifer" Season 2 spoilers. Read to know more.
"Lucifer" Season 2, Episode 11 Spoilers Roundup
The interrupted moment between Lucifer and Chloe leads to tension between the two. Later, it becomes difficult for them to investigate a case involving the murder of two people who were the Devil's ex-flames. Lucifer is the only connection and his paramours are interviewed leading to the killer.
Elsewhere, a larger threat is introduced in the episode as Charlotte tries to manipulate Lucifer and Chloe's romance.
Official Spoilers:
"After Lucifer and Chloe have an interrupted "moment," the tension between the two of them makes it difficult to investigate the murder of two victims, who happen to be Lucifer's ex-flames. Since Lucifer seems to be the only connection, interviews are conducted with his recent paramours and a surprising connection is made that helps lead them to the killer. Meanwhile, Charlotte continues to try and manipulate Chloe and Lucifer's impending romance and a larger threat is revealed in the all-new "Stewardess Interruptus" episode of LUCIFER airing Monday, Jan. 16," reads the synopsis.
Meanwhile, in other "Lucifer" news, the show will go on a hiatus after episodes 11, 12 and 13.
Stay tuned for "Lucifer" Season 2, episode 12 promo trailer and spoilers. Share your views and thoughts in the section below.
A new promo trailer for episode 11 was released, watch below.
Credit: YouTube/Promos and Previews